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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Sweet setup. Now I want a setup thread as Conzole mentioned!
  2. 2:15 Desync ram! Banned for exploiting Arma!!!!
  3. Lol nice. I wish I could have seen what started ths
  4. I believe it will all be separate and not transfer.
  5. Nick

    The wanderer

    Thanks for the music. Now I want to replay Fallout 4. Good stuff as always!
  6. Capture points are great if you can get out alive. You can make upwards of 70k if you do a capture point and loot the boxes and AI. You'll also get some nice respect and xp with this method. Another great method is doing the CDF island. It can be challenging, and it becomes a high pvp zone once finished, but the loot it well worth it If you are trying to avoid pvp you can loot the radioactive island. There is high tier loot there. Lots of high priced sniper rifles. Generally I would say doing missions is going to be your best bet for quick cash, but there i
  7. I would say it's okay as long as you are not using your base to camp the trader. Edit: I moved his flag approx 10m further as he asked.
  8. Nick

    Solo Alpha CP

    You cut the video too soon. Did you actually make it out with the loot?
  9. Nice. I wish I was that accurate with mouse and keyboard lol
  10. Awesome kills. Do you use a joystick or keyboard and mouse to fly?
  11. Nick

    A bit of everything

    Hahaha. I love the redeye friendly fire from alt-tabbing back in.
  12. Nick

    Park like a God

    Didn't quite stick the landing. 7/10
  13. I doubt there are 120 active players. The server is only full for about half the day. If you don't want to spend the money on premium to get a guaranteed slot on the server you can either play at times where the population is lower, or try your luck joining after a restart. They are currently discussing making another server, but it should NOT be the same as the current one. During non peak hours having an identical server would have such a low population on both it would be pointless.
  14. You need to buy premium to get a reserved slot. If you don't want to purchase premium you, unfortunately, need to wait until the server goes below 60 people or try your luck joining quickly after a restart while the server isn't full.
  15. I can confirm I was able to join the server with no issue. Give it another try.
  16. You could have joined while the server was restarting. It locks while restarting. I'll try to join and see if I can get in. It could be a server related issue the admins need to fix.
  17. You don't need to pay to play on this server. It's completely free. The reserved slot is only for when the server is at 60 players. The other 5 are the reserved slots.
  18. You need to buy premium on this website to get access to a reserved slot along with some other ingame features.
  19. Nick


    You found a tear in the Chernarus Universe
  20. Eyes like a fucking hawk! Good stuff.
  21. I doubt this will happen since most of the community and staff aren't from the U.S. As a U.S player myself I don't really have any issues playing on a UK hosted server. Just a little bit of latency issues here and there, but nothing that makes a huge difference.
  22. Nick


    To remove the grass just open your xm8, go to more, view distance and set terrain detail to low. No more grass.
  23. Out of place for exile? I personally like the ability to customize the vehicles even though it is pretty buggy.
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