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Everything posted by Nick

  1. I'm 'Murican sign me up.
  2. Nick


    I usually hold W after buying a vehicle.. Today I learned my lesson. This was from a few months ago.
  3. Still, there should be set night cycles and if people want to vote for day then it'll be day and if people want night it'll stay night. I think it's better to have the option rather than not having it at all.
  4. Yes.. I love the night. Nothing more fun than watching tracers fly towards your target in the dark. There definitely should not be 24/7 night. We currently spawn with NVG's and have all these vehicle lights for nothing.
  5. There should be a system sort of like KOTH (King of the Hill) where your stats are linked to your profile/name and if you change your name it would reset your stats. For example K/D Money / Respect, but I know a lot of people would complain about that. Anyways I find it funny when people change their names and try to play it off as they are someone else. It's been happening since Arma 2, and will probably never change.
  6. Hide your vehicles whenever you're not inside of it. It does suck getting your vehicle blown up when it's just parked, but I see it as a part of the game. Blowing up a parked vehicle could be seen as denying the enemy transportation.
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