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i did not write this guide. i'm just reposting the info
9. Summary That's all. After you completed everything ARMA should be running better. FPS improvement largely depends on hardware you own, mission you play, mods you use. For me on average it was 5FPS while using fully modded game (almost 80GB of mods) and up to 10FPS while playing KotH. On the top of that stuttering issue I had is completely gone, but bear in mind that freezes/fps drops caused by loading terring while you move are not same as stuttering (to fix/reduce those you need SSD). Your results may be different. If you still struggle to get good FPS then it may be a result of too
1. Basic Information Let's start with basic info: setting cpuCount, exThreads or most other parameters does nothing, they are correctly recognized and set by ARMA on it's own (and exThreads overrides cpuCount anyway, so if someone says to set both then you know how much he knows about optimizing ARMA ;) ). If you set them manually you are just overriding something that was set correctly anyway. In this guide I'm going to show you how to really improve performance. However don't expect miracles, in ARMA limiting factor in 99% of cases is CPU. ARMA puts 90-95% of work on one thread, so wha
kay started following Improve your FPS in Arma 3 Guide (No Guarantee)
Improve your FPS in Arma 3 Guide (No Guarantee)
kay replied to Jon Petter's topic in General Discussion
Disclaimer: This pack was made by myself. It only includes 5 exe's, of which are standalone (non-install required) programs. If you're not comfortable using it as a trusted source then don't run it. The rest of it is just comprised of shortcuts to different windows settings, registry modifications, BAT files to disable certain services etc. Downloading things from unknown sources on the internet will always be dangerous. So before you run anything, be aware of what it does, how it will affect you and more importantly, if you're gonna use anything within the pack read the instructions provided -
Hey there, bit of a late reply and not sure if you're saying you can only use Ideal which isn't a payment option or it was only showing Ideal while wanting to use paypal. I was able to use paypal fine anyway linked to my dutch banking account which I also use for Ideal transactions so not sure what the issue is, could you clarify? Greetings, Dutch Navy
Ailkarm started following Exile Server Rules - Exile Chernarus Isles - English
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Improve your FPS in Arma 3 Guide (No Guarantee)
kevinjohn6430 replied to Jon Petter's topic in General Discussion
Improving your FPS (frames per second) in Arma 3 while hosting a server can significantly enhance your gaming experience, ensuring smoother gameplay and better responsiveness. Here’s a comprehensive guide to boost your FPS: Optimize Server Settings: Adjust server parameters to balance performance and gameplay experience. Lowering view distance, object draw distance, and AI count can alleviate server load and improve FPS. Hardware Optimization: Ensure your server hardware meets Arma 3’s recommended specifications. Upgrading CPU, RAM, and SSD storage can enhance server