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Conzole last won the day on August 28 2019

Conzole had the most liked content!

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232 Excellent


About Conzole

  • Rank
    Wise One

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  1. nvm the music is whack just bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounc
  2. Get out of your base man jeeeez. music is almost good.. ?
  3. Because i have no taste in music xD wouldnt mind listening to this whilst watching the video for 10 hours
  4. i do not approve the song picks!
  6. Hello members of SpartanGaming i want to let you guys know that on the 28th we will be shutting down the Abramia server. The reason for the server shutdown is because we have seen its been dying out slowly and we don't think it is worth keeping up. To be honest we never thought Abramia would last this long we really thought it was just going to be a one time blow up but it lasted for months. We have not decided if we will host on a different map or if we will just keep the 2 servers Chernarus And Altis. If you are migrating to one of our other servers please come and talk to us on
  7. Wew this touched me deeply... i wont be here for a couple of days i think.. Nah fo real thank you means a lot!
  8. Wrong section please follow this depending on what server you are playing on: https://www.spartangaming.co.uk/forum/22-exile-forum-rewards/
  9. @Aimbutt_exe @Winky Castro wants in i can tell my the way he licks butts...
  10. My dick gets wet when i hear Mr.42 shout Kappa
  11. Kristians new autismo uniform makes me happy he can finally wear something ingame that describes him! https://imgur.com/a/TdWcmkr
  12. Yall can get outta group but My country will handle you guys just like last time ?
  13. Iceland kappa but when iceland does not win it will be brazil
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