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Rolling Changelog - Exile

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Exile Chernarus Isles - Rolling Changelog


I have been requested to update this as comments, so people know when something has been changed.

Here is the previous changelog: HERE

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Mod: [SG] Mod: Added Concrete Box. (Can be used as an easy 1x1 flag room ?) Added Concrete Glass Floor and Wall. Added Concrete Tall Gate. Ad

Changed: Reduced the amount of sniper rifles that spawn in civilian buildings. Healing hotkey perk message when you don't own it. Should help people that are confused when they get the

Mods: [SG] Mod Added Fuel Pump and Concrete mixer to be buildable (Mainly for Altis) Added 3 more variants of the Navid and SPMG - Thanks to @Pennywise Ad

  • 2 weeks later...

These changes are happening on the 9th at the 6pm restart.


Server changes:

  • Mod Changes - Removing CUP Vehicles, Units and Weapons.
  • Mod Changes - Adding MAS Vehicles and Weapons.
  • Slots up to 60 with 5 Admin/VIP Slots. 65 in total.
  • The server now runs in x64 (64 Bit).
  • MAS has been added to the loot table and traders.
  • Traders have been redone with more items to buy


Script Changes:

  • Most scripts remade to hopefully gain some extra performance.
  • Kill messages format changed.
  • Demining drones no longer count as kills.
  • Crashing no longer heals you to 100% but damage is reduced so you don't die to bushes.
  • SafeZonePlus changes. Mainly bug fixes.
  • Crate loading has changed. There is now a virtual system in place. Scroll on a vehicle and "Open Crate Storage".
  • Vector building has changed. Changes have been made when pressing Q&E to turn. Default: 15°. While holding shift: 45°. While holding Ctrl: 1°.
  • Mission crates give you 250 Poptabs per player online rather than 500.
  • View Distance App updated.
  • Anti-Combat logging. If you log out while in combat, you will be killed and the whole server will be told.
  • Daily Reward will give better item rewards.
  • Building is disabled while an enemy is in your territory radius.
  • 5 Minute cooldown on building after a charge has been planted on your base.
  • Animals are disabled.
  • Upgrading your territory costs more. Check out the server information for all the information.
  • Rearming enabled at Black Market traders.
  • Prisoner Magazines now craft into Rubber Ducks. They are worth 50k.
  • Prisoner Magazines #3 and #4 spawn more regularly on the Radiation Island.

There are defiantly some I missed. I will update this as I remember them. Just getting everything prepared for tomorrow. :6_smile:

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"Open Crate Storage" showing when in a vehicle outside of the Safezone.

Not being able to load crates near bases.

Building height limit being to strict in some cases.

Fog will no longer appear.



Bunch of weapons and uniforms to mission AI.

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Vehicle Tuning Shop for our Premium members. (Allows the ability to add RGB Underglow and textures such as Chrome, fade, Glow in the dark and Metallic)

This can be accessed from the SafeZone while in a vehicle. Just use the scroll menu and you will see it.


New CDF mission, "CDF Work Camp". The new layout was built by @OlliE.

The AI are a little harder and the 5 loot crates have at least 3 different positions to spawn in. (AI on other missions stay the same difficulty).



Spawned Quad and Karts will despawn if you move more than 100m away from it. This is checked every 5 minutes.



Some missions having issues with spawning vehicles.

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XM8 apps overlapping at times.

CUP lamp issues.



Vehicle Deploy no longer sends network requests = less lag.  EDIT: Reverted due to causing issues with other scripts. Will rework this soon.


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Exile server updated to 1.78 and should be stable now :6_smile:

These changes were made over the past week and hopefully I will have more time now to bring new stuff to the server!



Vehicle repairing.

Database not cleaning up correctly.

Diver spawn loadout now has the correct uniform.

Hacking sometimes gave out errors.

SafeZonePlus fail safe check to make sure players get kicked out of vehicles they don't own.

Tuning Shop issues that caused vehicles to blow up on exit.

Vehicles can be tuned without having to wait until restart or storing it in a VG.



Inmate Market can no longer overload players lockers.


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Updated the server with the "Hotfix".



Possible weapon disappearing bug.

Deployed Vehicle cleanup randomly cleaning up at the wrong times.

SafeZonePlus Godmode not applying in some cases.



Prisoner Magazine #3 and #4 have a slightly better chance of spawning on the Radiation island.

Incoming Missile Warning. Also should appear faster.

Mission cleanup times.



Anti-Combat Logging. Was not fair on the legit players.

"NO PVP ZONE" Triggers. (On screen messages). This is not good for performance.


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New mod added! Check out the required mods topic!



Perk and XP System. There are currently 25 way to earn XP.



Traders to match new mods.

Mission loot to match the new mods.

Loot table to match new mods.

VG App only shows needed information.

Added ERCO to the 200k loadout.

Max view distance to 2700m.

Removed useless map edits and removed the building limits from them.

Removed EBM Flag from traders.



Mission announcements displaying the wrong information.

Other random misc stuff.

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Full changelog of the wipe!



Removed HVP

Added [SG] Mod


[SG] Mod - What it includes:

Advanced Urban Rappelling. Allows everyone to be able to shoot while rappelling.

DS Houses. Adds some houses that you can enter. Added correct loot positions for them.

Arma 2 style helicopters. Find them at the black market.

6x6 ATVs.. Why? We don't know.

SWAT Uniforms. Thanks to Rainman.

Mini gun fix. Fixes various helicopters.

3 Levels of safes. This is to replace the EBM ones. They are visually different. Level 1: 5k Capacity. Level 2: 10k Capacity. Level 3: 20k Capacity

Base Painting Textures. Our next plan with the mod is to add Vehicle textures and more base painting textures.

Fixes various mod errors.

Around 450 Civilian vehicles. Only the black variants have been added to trader.



Reenabled CDF and changed some missions to match the new mods.

Replaced EBM containers with different level safes.

Building Rules. Please go read them.

Removed DSR from loot table.

Increased Virtual Garage space by double.

Decreased maximum base parts to 200. Better for the server in the long run.

Removed unneeded EBM items.

Increased max family markers from 20 to 30.

Rearming script changed a little. Should be more reliable now.

Fixed a script error when trying to building with an enemy in your territory.

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[SG] Mod performance issues with the Shounka vehicles.

Some cleanup issues with bodies and AI.



Dead bodies within 500m of a spawnzone will delete after 5 minutes.

Correct textures on safes. Thanks to @Demples' wife for these.



Some armed vehicles from random vehicle spawns.

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[SG] Mod updated.



Perks not actually giving you the perk. Sorry for those who bought perks and had to deal with it. (I did only get the report last night)

Mercedes vehicle engine sounds form the [SG] Mod. They are now back in traders as well.



Trader categories should be more organized and you can double click on an item to see if it's from the Black Market or normal traders by looking at the colour. Thanks to @MrAndy for sorting this.

All the new vehicles have been correctly configured for the Crate Loading. Thanks to @MrAndy again.

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[SG] Mod updated.



Decrease base spawn timer perk.

Increase locker limit perk.



Mission helicopters spawning with rockets.

XM8 Crafting App will now show the concrete mixer if required.

XM8 Apps will no longer disappear when the XM8 is closed.

Random "No Building" zones around the map. Also added debug codes to each zone, so if someone is bugged again, we can see why.



Stinger missiles now travel faster and do more damage.

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Added JSRS Mod as an optional mod.

Added JSRS NIA as an optional mod.



Capture Point Poptabs reward is split up into the two reward crates.

Kill message format is more simple.

Cargo Tower mission is now harder.

Night Stalker price increased to 1500.

Capture Point AI has a %5 chance of spawning with a launcher. It was 25%.



Flares to Armed Little Birds



God mode not enabling on bought vehicles.



Some buggy vehicles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The changelog hasn't been updated in awhile but some things have been changed/fixed/added. I am just waiting for the Exile update before I add anything major to the server.

All of the following changes have been made since the 2nd of January until today. I have probably missed a few changes, but it will be nothing major. 



Day/night cycle. It is now permanently day.

Armed HMG hunter and striders ect. have been removed from AI vehicle list.



Rearming at trader/fuel stations.

Simulation on some map edits causing them to not open. 



Fuel stations you can place at your base. Buy them from the Hardware trader for 30k.

SPAR-16S to traders.

New NIArms sniper rifles to traders.

Some missions displaying the wrong information.

"NO PVP ZONE" on screen messages.



"Advanced Towing" as it was just making vehicles fall under the map.


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