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Cashcake last won the day on August 15 2020

Cashcake had the most liked content!

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153 Excellent

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About Cashcake

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  1. id like to join nick name: cashcake (obviously) steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/zestyh/ 21 years old, fluent in English, Norwegian & Korean Certification that i have above 170 IQ can be presented upon interview.
  2. I dont think the lag was to bad, but considering there usually was only between 20-30 players on a good day has something to do with it. Less players = more FPS.
  3. Cashcake

    <3 Mako

    Yeah, getting heavily influenced by the leprechauns in our group... @RUPINGU
  4. is there other guns than lmg in this game?
  5. stupid gay ass walking intro lmfao
  6. Now that you cant buy pawnees/hellcat/orca from black market, they are much harder to obtain. Stingers are now more used to shoot down random planes & littlebirds rather than actuall armed hellis. So my suggestion is either, remove them, because pawnees arent that hard to shoot down with a normal LMG. Or Increase the price of rockets/stingers.
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