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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/18 in Posts

  1. Let's say a group of 7 people is raiding a group of 2: Current Raiding System: One of the 2 player group manages it to sneak through or throws a grenade into their safe room, boom! Hacker dead and the they have to start from scratch. (chances are slim, but this is more likely gonna happen than #2) Bring back the old system: The 2 players have to wipe out the whole team of 7 players (most likely inside the circle) to stop the safe hack. Find the issue.
    3 points
  2. as much as it helps solo raiders, it also gives a massive advantage to big groups (including us)
    3 points
  3. We have been discussing about changing the way you hack Flags and Safes. We've decided to make it into a poll to get the communities opinion. Please note that the result of the poll is not final, it's to give us an idea of what you guys want. Explanation of the poll: (Vote above) Option 1: Placing the laptop to start the hack and you're free to move about, but you need to stay close to the hacking laptop for the hack to count down. Option 2: Keep it how it currently. No changes will be made.
    2 points
  4. In my opinion changing it to this other format will make it even easier than it already is for large groups to raid smaller groups (sometimes off the server). I see the raid symbol popping up quite a lot these days and to my knowledge it tends to be on bases owned by solo/small groups of people. It is already too easy for big groups to raid in the current style, but forcing them to stay at the laptop is a good trade off, especially if it is against solo/small groups as that gives them more of a fighting chance to take their base back. For example the hacker would need to decide "do
    2 points
  5. Hate to say it but the big groups will vote "keep it how it is" and out number the solo voters. The reality is it's more fun to raid and stay in radius and allows smaller groups or solo / duo players a chance to have a pop without being a marked map target
    2 points
  6. Make soloraiding great again!! 1.!!
    2 points
  7. First of all, I dont like option 1. I also think it shouldnt be added as it changes the attack angles on safes and flags which means redesigning. That can be hard for already designed bases and thats why I suggest that if a change like this were to happen it should only be added on a wipe. The way it is is right now is fine as is and in my opinion should stay the same.
    2 points
  8. That is a possibility, that would also make the biggest families unraidable by pretty much anyone tho. Only option to raid them would be to scan every lock and get the codes. A normal attack with charges would be a death sentence for smaller groups as soon as the first charge is placed.
    1 point
  9. Since I just get all your codes without you knowing this doesn't affect me in the slightest but let's not be bitches, choose #2. Don't boo, vote!
    1 point
  10. To be fair, I don't think base raiding should be shown on the map. Never understood why this is a thing....
    1 point
  11. To be fair I don't see many large groups raiding small bases. It's pretty low to take on a small wooden shack as a large group
    1 point
  12. but isnt´t the raiding system how it is right now, one reason for those large groups? because you need so much guys to grind, hack flag and safes. So when a small group trying to raid and have to interrupt everytime someone shows up, its such a waste of time and you get nothing. And if a large group really wants your base, doesnt matter if its System 1 or 2 .
    1 point
  13. How close to the laptop would be required to stay? I can see a change like this help smaller groups, but at the same time it gives larger groups an equal advantage. Where we would tie up 2 people before to just hack and one to two to guard them we could now increase the defenses outside the safe area as those hacking would be fully able to guard the safe area themselves.
    1 point
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