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Everything posted by Dopli

  1. What about making a simple website with steam api login that connets to the servers database and you can see the territories you are in or own, you can see all of the members and able to remove them or add them by using their steamID 64, and that you can custom-set the permissions for them - What I mean is, that, you will be able to set the specific permissions for each territory member or maybe script more ranks if possible instead of 3 which currently are Pleb, Moderator and Owner? Also, the website would list all of the data from your virtual garage - cars, codes, et cetera. There are a lo
  2. I would love to see some sick fog like 500 meters, that would be fun. I think the best thing to do for you guys is to take a couple of mods and make a poll from it.
  3. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/848217154848581792/B4669311F75C762A83840EFD14A675577D9F3187/ https://i.imgur.com/Z1mybrW.png What else do you want me to prove? ?
  4. I have around 1500 hours on the account I am currently playing on, I also had one more steam account which I sold due to high amount of games where I also had around 1300 hours, overall around 3000 hours, I play Exile for around two years now and I could say about myself that I am an experienced player... I know how to fly on a very high level as I used to also play KOTH where I only spent money on jets & helicopters (I didn't die more than 2 times every KOTH match I played with jet or helicopter), I also am a sniper when it comes to exile, that's one of my main specialization aloing with
  5. Give me link to the profile cause theres a lot of Proxy.
  6. What's your steam so I can at least see when you are in-game so I hop on and tag along.
  7. I would like to join I have around 1,5k hours on arma 3, experienced exile player.
  8. I have over 1350 hours on Arma 3, I speak fluent english, I am an experienced exile player., https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198203035422
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