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Dexter M

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Dexter M last won the day on October 29 2020

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About Dexter M

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  1. Post all event ideas or any changes to current events in the comments CURRENT EVENT IDEAS ARE : jet event (BS) base defend event(BS) team ghost hawk event (BS) pawnee event ALTIS another tank event on altis under water event both servers hide and seek event (BS) hostage rescue (BS) bank heist ( like a CP you have to hold the building for X amount of time to gain the reward) R6 style? 5v5 / 6v6 ect (BS) = Both Servers
  2. A few moments later XD nice vid though
  3. ALPHA CP CAPTURED .............. LiveJasmin [ Spitfire MkVb Green ] You [257m]
  4. 25FPS.. how do you manage to play with that XD awesome work though man keep it up ???????
  5. No, grass will always render around you if you have terrain on any higher than low setting
  6. the terrain will still show with no grass but players will not appear as though they are in the ground
  7. open xm8 go to more then veiw distance then turn terrain up to ultra
  8. I feel like iv created a monster by saving that sound clip ?
  9. Stinger rockets increased to 100k per rocket...... dordy has disconnected from the server (never to return)
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