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Larry Melone

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Larry Melone last won the day on February 7 2019

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21 Excellent

About Larry Melone

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    Rookie User

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  1. Tracks used:
  2. (Set quality to 1440p)
  3. Why do you even wonder or care about people disappearing from online games ?
  4. How do you improve server frames like this? Shifting missions and stuff to a headless client? Since the server is running on a good setup afaik.
  5. Well why would you do missions for respect? Go and kill players of you want to go and flex with respect lol. And killing npc is not that hard imho. I do missions from ~300m with a spawn kit weapon and RCO scope. Just don’t stay at the same position for too long and move a bit after every shot. And a pro tip at the end : if you die once, don’t come back to your body, in like 8 of 10 situations it’s very likely to die again. I’m on ~430k, only playing some hours in the evening as a lone wolf which should even make it harder to have a decent amount of respect.
  6. This is my first video. You'll immediately see only the best of editing and worlds best cutting skills. Roast me
  7. If killing people is messing with them sure, so should I expect getting insulted when killing people now?
  8. I'm replying to this because other people should know before joining a team. And I'm not heading to the"Report Player Section" because I'm not interested in anyones ban. And third approaching does not make any sense which can be seen below. I'm not bored doing kills. I'm doing missions which I want to get the loot from. And no I am not flying around with a heli. Sometimes I even let people get their stuff back which I know I'm not going to loot anyway. Hell am I not a good Samaritan?
  9. Some things need to be said here. I don't want to cry in any way because I dont really care and won't deal with immature people. Well tbh, everything you want from "prospects" is not applicable with your behavior and manner on the server. To be mad and show this in sidechat is probably part of arma, for most people at least. But becoming abusive with every single thing one writes in side chat is just too childish. Especially when it comes to insulting other peoples mom. So I can just discourage everyone joining you guys, but to each man his own. Just
  10. Try to create a new arma profile since these settings are probably not loaded/saved properly.
  11. Did you check Arma for corrupt files with steam? Bc if you verified/redownloaded the entire mods the problem should be with your game/battleye. If that doesn’t help try to get an admin on team speak and ask him if there appears anything in the server logs.
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