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Brandon Wilson

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About Brandon Wilson

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  1. Yeah, I see what you're trying to say other people should know, however, you're basing everything on the team, not the one person, so how is that a fair judgement to say our so-called "team" is full of immature people.
  2. I don't think you should be directing this at a whole as the "gang" rather than approaching the member/player who you believe to be making comments about "insulting other peoples mom". And you if have any future problems I guess you may as well submit a "Player Report" as you do state that "I don't really care and won't deal with immature people" well if that's the case why are you replying to this forum post as I do believe to think this is a petty post out of you.
  3. The Lincoln Brothers Who are we: The Lincoln Brothers go way back to the old Arma 2 Overpoch days in Chernarus, primarily focused on keeping the streets safe making everyone's experience fun and safe. Requirements: Minimum Age: 17. Don't want any cringy twelve-year-olds, no offence. Country: We aim to play with most players from the United Kingdom, however, will consider all applicants. Server Rules: Expectations are to follow all server rules. If you are caught breaking any rules then you will be called out on it and be taken
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