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Everything posted by OkamiDin

  1. I have 5k hours in Arma according to steam. 90% of those are in exile.
  2. I have to disagree. People nonstop offline raid lol and barely anyone messes with em.
  3. If you do infact add another map my vote would be for a hardcore first person only lingor. Makes the jungle so much more interesting! Outside of that, a Namalsk server would be pretty interesting to say the least.
  4. Damn, the splash damage is what makes it fun! I was sad when I bought the littlebird gunship and it had no splash. Outside of that, the whole bird just felt very.... clunky in movements. If you're buying armed heli, pawnee is the way to go. ? Now when you buy that plane, will it be armed automatically?
  5. Piggybacking off what Kimlad said, people enjoy blowing up vehicles for the exp reward but mostly for the hell of it. Store EVERYTHING in your VG if at all possible.
  6. What rifle is that, that you use so consistently? Does that spitfire have guns or just the single bomb drop?
  7. The reason the heli's blow up is due to how the servers spawns them back in, right? I believe when they spawn in they're not entirely on the ground but pop up a bit and then settle down causing them to bounce, ect?
  8. I had the same issue and I tried pressing F but it did nothing for me with the Littlebird Gunship. After about 2 minutes after paying to rearm and pressing F it finally worked. So after you pay, give it a minute or two and then press F.
  9. It's not the setting but the map itself as pennywise has said. There is not much you can do about it to be honest. The terrain will always be a bit funky.
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