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Everything posted by Supafly

  1. I have just checked and it appear your battleye stops working. if it persists these is a checklist to run though and should cure it. The battleye kicks are nothing to do with our servers and happen on others, there are several things which may resolve it: 1. Waiting until the next server restart (every 3 hours starting at 00:00 GMT/BST) 2. Swapping to another network card on your computer, this has fixed 100% of cases that we know of 3. Restarting your router 4. Changing your IP via cmd or your router 5. Downloading and running the following file: https://mega.nz/#!BwwhlTKA!0F0eiHr
  2. the reason for your kick is our server is full and the last 5 spaces are premium slots which you can buy from our store. or just keep trying and eventually you will get in when a space becomes available.
  3. Do you get any error messages?
  4. We turned the cycle off due to a 100% time people voting day before it even went fully dark. I will speak to Sean and see about starting a vote and see what the player base wants. With a view of turning voting off.
  5. Its not our rig or rig is extremely high spec. It is not an issue with SG we have done everything on our side. The lag within open doors is a separate issue which is been looked at. its an issue with bohemia/Arma when they did the latest arma update they screwed up Battleeye amongst other things. Our server is updated as soon as the mods are updated. Also be aware that not every player is having this issue and only a few players are reporting this Issue. There are few fixes which seemed to do the trick. Firstly when you verify your steam files just verifying does not fi
  6. Hi O'Connor. You have 2 options. Option 1 Head over to our store page and purchase this below. A Senior Admin Or above when they come online will help in packing into a large crate and ready it for it be moved. The bonus of this as well is you don't loose you territory level. Option 2 You pack the base yourself into a vehicle and transport it yourself an admin will then delete your flag for you. This way you DO NOT keep your territory level and there are no guarantees. Supafly
  7. Please rest assured we have been looking at different reason as to why the server is crashing one of the reasons we believe is since the latest update, battleye has been giving us some trouble. Sean is very well experienced in the development and running off servers and has run countless of diagnostics to find the cause, but sometimes communities are left with no option but to wipe. Server wipes are never an easy choice and are normally as it is in this case taking as a last resort. We will run many events and little mini events to give people a helping hand to get you back on track with your
  8. So your telling me Arma 3 updated and nothing broke.......
  9. This loading screen will self destruct in 5... 4.... 3.... 2.... You have been kicked.
  10. People need to be able to defend their base as they can not be on at all times, to make it a little bit harder to get at flags with destructible items just gives that extra of defense. If you look at that picture above that would require 9 wooden and 6 big mommas which for a group is easy to carry.
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