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Helicopter despawnd????

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Hey guys I lft my Helicopter an UH1-1H-Huey at the safezone at the airfield than i har an gamecrash and i tried to relog but the server was constantly full...... so i got a slot spawnd at the safezone and my helicopter was nomore here........ i locked it savely.

Is there any way to park it out somewhere???

So I'm new to exile ^^ btw

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The safest place to store vehicles is inside your virtual garage at your base. If you leave a vehicle at a safezone people can steal it after the restart.  

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8 hours ago, MaxlLS said:

So do i need something for a virtual garage and my base is in the forest so can i take off there without destroying my helicopter ? 


Build higher or wider. You can store any vehicle at your base. Press 6 when close and you can access your virtual garage 

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Yeah I maked that but I parked my helicopter out and it explode ^^ so under the helispawn was 3 mags maybe therefore ? 

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On 6/3/2018 at 10:24 PM, Nick said:

I recommend not landing or storing helicopters on wood or even concrete floors. They do have a tendency to explode a majority of the time. 


Just Littlebird/Pawnie types though isn't it? Maybe Mozzies too.


This has been around since Arma 2 Epoch unfortunately.

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The reason the heli's blow up is due to how the servers spawns them back in, right? I believe when they spawn in they're not entirely on the ground but pop up a bit and then settle down causing them to bounce, ect?


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