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Posts posted by ACAB

  1. Personally i see this rule more of a hassle then what its worth.

    But it has gotten to the point that there are multiple rules and terms for combat,


    Yet unarmed helicopters still flee to safezone first chance they get.

    And i dont blame them.

    I am a shit pilot trying to take out a littlebird and if i dont kill him before he gets to safezone then i should have tried harder.


    Also what if i am being shot at while almost at trader?

    Now i have to make a 180 just to drive in to the guys shooting at me?

    Or am i allowed to continue my path but not enter safezone?

    Does this answer change when i was just in/outside the red circle?


    Am i allowed to abuse this rule by randomly shooting at everything that is heading towards a trader just so the guys on the ground have time to catch up and kill them?


    When players do go to no pvp zone while in combat,how long am i allowed to shoot at them without breaking the rules?

    Or would me following the rules by not shooting feed the guys argument that he was not taking shots?



    This is all day to day situations that feed the overall saltyness of the community as everybody has his own interpretation.


    Whats the problem with going back to a black and white situation of


    out=not safe.

    Rule: Do not abuse safezone godmode.

    PS;Traders are not like Disneyland, they can be camped.






    • Like 1
  2. I guess the thing that has to be agreed upon is what is a excess amount?


    German make a decent point but i think the inmate market is a good gauge.


    Inmate market will fill up completely with this excess of launchers if this is the case.

    So if i cant buy a launcher with 2 rounds for 5k every time i die i think we are good.


    I understand that you two groups have the complete opposite of play-styles so this will always be a discussion in favor of yourself.

    Same for me.


  3. Its a fine balance and the scale is easily tipped.


    Let me put it this way,


    When launchers are rare:

    HMG vehicles will dominate almost every battle/mission with little to no fear of losing one.

    (They are also pretty common as a mission reward.)


    When launcher are way to common:

    HMG vehicles are less common and are only effective tools for some situations.long range and fast moving.



    You guys wont leave the server for losing some HMGs but some noobs getting rekt on 25+HMG killstreaks will.




    • Like 2
  4. Do they actually offer something different then all the other 78 unused civilian vehicles in the trader?

    Everyone just uses Avalances,BTRs and a hand full of other vehicles anyway.


    They wont get used if they only look pretty i think.






  5. I remember having some good debug fights on other servers.

    Never saw any issues with being able to go in debug.


    Is there someone that can clarify why this rule is actually in place?


    The way i see it is: The less rules,

    *the less reporting

    *less work for admins

    *more time to play if you dont have to bother with reporting players.



    • Like 1
  6. •Inmate market is a custom script made by someone else then Sean I am pretty sure.

    •Lowering the price would be abused to store items/refill magazines.

    Upping the price to 5k minimum would be better but I got used to refilling magazines :). 

    •Price changing would also lead to said abuse.(There is a expire date to items I believe but I don’t know the # days.)

    • Like 1
  7. I do not care about any historic in-corrections as long as its fun and balanced.

    The way i see it : its a basically bomber that you have to sell after you are done with it.


    Unless someone proves otherwise by, 

    *consistently storing one is his VG,

    *Making kills with the guns,

    I think my point is pretty valid.


    Maybe i suck but i am looking forward of all these landings,killstreaks and avoiding missile videos?.


  8. I was about to post this same suggestion seeing how the map is hella big.

    More safezones has been denied and i kind off agree with that but there is some occasions where we have to drive the entire size of cherno just to get to the closest waste dump for a 12k dump.

    Please have a second look on the map and possible add some waste dumps in strategic locations(*no safezone). 

    Then its always the players choice if they want to risk it being camped or take the long road toward a proper trader.

    Suggestion: 1or2 food traders(with waste dumps) on the abandoned pieces of the map and add waste dumps on the aircraft traders.


    Picture added for size comparison.

    I believe there are the same amount of waste dumps as cherno yet the size is twice as big!


     PS:Please keep snappy comments and jokes that are not relevant to the suggestions to sidechat.


    • Like 2
  9. Cant we just cut off 1/3 of the map so its about the size of Cherno?

    With a radiation/no mission zone maybe.


    On the map the missions look right next to me ,then i make a marker and its 8KM roadtrip.

  10. All right I tried using the new stinger and a heli was able to flare my round 3 times from about 700m.

    This is about what I see as balanced because that costed me 30k without any results.

    This means a decent pilot should be able to stay up in the air if he keeps his altitude and has flares.

    This means it’s not like the vanilla Titan AA that’s balanced to also take out jets.

    Good addition.

    Sorry for al the fuzz.


    This is not sarcasm btw ?.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, Winky said:


    You must understand that you are part of the 1% that does fly the big groups can deal with Pawnees easily but for the solo and duo players it's almost impossible so it's no fun for all those other players

    I am with you on that.But there is also a point where it goes the other way and every big base has a guy on top with a stinger.



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