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Everything posted by teknotel

  1. Genuinely to this statement I am perplexed.. Erm... because he picked a fight on a weak target... then failed to land shots in however long the chase lasted.... Like how is it even unfair? Does the chase just go on forever until the guy with the bigger vehicle eventually lands a shot? Totally missing the point he that he missed... and continued to miss... like its not really me cheating him when he has a chance to land a shot or two but didn't. To compare this to combat loggins seems a bit far fetched. Like combat logging you totally remove the chance for your enemy to
  2. As a new player I genuinely don't understand this rule and had experience of it yesterday and got accused of being a rule breaker. I have played on every popular exile server, epoch server etc. I have 4k+ hours. Just do not understand this one bit, what purpose does it serve? So I am flying to the safe zone in a humming bird. We are on the way there I am 2.5km from the safe zone when we start taking fire. I presume its from the mission we went past, my passenger informs its a pawnee. We are now 2km at full speed from the safe zone... Legitimately 10 or 20 seconds away from the zone....
  3. Thank you, yes sometime I literally cannot see anything when someone is prone, seems a little odd to me but what can you do. Thanks.
  4. Even at like 100-200 meters....?
  5. Still didn't really do anything for me thank you for advice though
  6. I have done this already and some other graphics changes, will see if it makes a difference next combat situation.
  7. So people go into the ground at like 200m +... Is this server enforced or is there anything I can do about it? https://plays.tv/video/5c153eafef17722269/terrain-texture Like this is an ok example as you can see some of the guy right, but like yesterday I was fighting with friends at an objective and there is a guy 100% at the objective, I am perched 250m away overlooking it. We want to go in but no one can see the guy sop my friend runs in and then I just see the guy stand up out of the ground in front of me and start shooting..... Is there anything I can do to s
  8. Just seen this... added you dude. We are UK / EU mainly but maybe we can get some more US players and we play all sorts of times. Will be playing a lot this weekend so feel to come join!
  9. If you dont mind grouping with EU players you are welcome to come play with me and some people who have been recruited. We play on weekends mainly but if we have players on we will play weekdays to. Send me a message if you are interested. We are just starting out on the server mostly and have like 3k hours + each for the most part.
  10. Hi looking to get back into exile. I have around 4000 hours in arma 3 alone and have played every iteration of epoch or exile and pretty much every other popular mod for A2 and A3. Used to playing and leading my own groups however my friends I usually play with can no longer commit to Exile regularly. I am 32 years old and from the UK would prefer a mature group of players, I don't care about age just no screaming and shouting on voice comms, nice and clear for missions etc. Doesn't mean I am not for a laugh just time and place etc. I can fly heli's and planes and have experi
  11. Jay I am in the same boat, I have 4000 hours in arma, let me know if you want to try teaming up. I have a few friends who may join as well and I am sure we can find some good players in the server who are looking for a small / new group to join.
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