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Posts posted by Winky

  1. I think taking stingers out of CDF is a bad move tbh I think the real way to balance them out would to make them a CDF only item maybe one or two per CDF actually making them worth while and it'll also stop people just shooting down random unarmed hells because you can't just buy more rockets it'll be a rare item that you save for armed hells also making armed heli combat more viable because there will be a lot less stingers on the map at once ? 

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  2. you do realise the amount of money you get from a CP is so high because of the danger of it being camped? Therefore if you take away that element you can take away the amount you gain because if people just get 60k every ten minutes unhindered then it'll ruin the economy and the server will be too easy 

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  3. 8 hours ago, BT b.asH said:


    Yeah people don't seem to understand this..  SG is one of the easiest Exile servers to raid on and I've played on all of the big exile servers. There's literally no need to increase raiding incentive on this server. One of the reasons for Abramia's population decline is because of one big group who raids literally all day. When you already constantly see people raiding bases, is there really a need to increase the incentive? I don't think so.




    Raiding isn't easy it takes a lot of time and you leave half of your group out of the action because they are stuck in animations grinding/hacking and can be very boring if people don't come to defend their base.. 


    ps we only raid people that need to be raided 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Razorman said:

    A good well planned run to radzone will/can net you upwards of 20k a time easy, nm the extra tabs inmate market can bring for better prisoners etc.  


    or you could do a cp an get 60k in ten minutes if radzone was worth more more people would go actually making it fun...

  5. I agree that radzone should be buffed a lil like spawn launchers and shit so its actually worth going i think i went once about 5 months ago and never again lol

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  6. 42 minutes ago, Jimlad said:

    Maws rockets should cost 10 X the price they do. Look at winkys last video for example ( not knocking him, I am the king of cheap kills) but they are so op for the money. 



    Maaws is love maaws is life 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Jimlad said:


    Why does server need a wipe because WAT have come back from the other server? 


    Sorry dude but no way does the server need ANOTHER wipe


    If you keep doing that you will loose regulas

    not come back on abramia as we speak dog ?

  8. 2 hours ago, Mr. Soap said:

    The server is great, the map is great. If you ran it with an ounce of integrity it would still be thriving. As long as you have admins that give away player positions to other team mates, give info on other families, encourage other groups to raid other families, spectates their own base as admin while being raided, tries to kill others with admin tools, comes out with racist remarks in global chat after already being warned not to do so again, perm ban players and give burden of proof on the banned player (i could go on) this server will not last much longer. Nobody wants to play on a server that is effectively a playground for admins and their friends.


    You salty fucks keep claiming abuse when you don't have a single piece of evidence? All you have is allllll that salt built up inside of you because you can't admit that you lose fights fair and square you just have to act like children and go "WAAA OMG ADMJN ABOOOSE OMG" whenever anyone that I know is on as admin they sit in a seperate TeamSpeak while we are on as players so where you keep getting all this bullshit of admins telling players where people are that's just not true like watch any of my videos you'll never ever hear once an admin say a single word to me while they ain't playing as player and I am and that's because it doesn't happen you're just a cry baby cunt tbh why don't you just admit that you're shit at arma and move on ok thx dad

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