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Posts posted by Homeslice

  1. Do you want help or not? There is alot of solid advice given to you here.


    Like SjMX said this game is getting very old and SG exile is pretty much the only server left wich means everyone on here are veterans with 4000-6000 hours avarage and its all pretty much only exile.


    There is alot of small things that noobs probably dont know. Like you said you are getting sprayed by LMG from >1km away. You can do the same but some weapons need a bipod and some don't. Some have long range some don't. Some have good accurary with low damage and some have high damage but bad accuracy.

    Players jumping from helis to ambush missions have always been common but probably more so on this server since money is easy to make. 

    You get spotted easily because you are probably using grass ON and THINK you are hidden when in fact anyone can see you. Or you are wearing bad camo. Besides unless you are hugging a tree or hiding behind one there is no camo that will make you invisible. TURN OFF GRASS.

    And that clip you posted of trying to kill the guy jumping around in the forrest, well thats just how it is to fight Jordan.

  2. I agree about dropping server capacity to around 50/55. When it's full the frames takes a big hit and with it being quite a small map with most people hanging around the northern parts of the map the spawn towns and missions become ww3.


    Love the map and hope it will stay around for a long time ?

  3. Please, PLEASE do something about it. I don't understand really who you are catering to, who is not able to play with grass on ultra/high? I get that some ppl have old PCs and on chernarus the case may be true that they need that extra boost. But in all fairness i think most people just like to bipod in the grass or spot players through hills. Abramia is a map kinda like Takistan, whereas you want to get the high ground and snipe people or unload LMGs from afar. But you know people will spot you first so why bother.


    Surely the vast majority of players (at least 90% of us?) wants to force the grass on, we have seen it asked a million times. I dont see many servers that allow you to change it at all, and nobody is complaining there?


    Hope you find a solution @Sean  much love for your hard work!

    • Like 3
  4. 10 minutes ago, Mikko said:

    Its not impossible, it just take times ;)


    Well if someone has 20 concrete floors on their flag it's not only gonna take time but how tf will anyone succeed in blowing all those floors without getting killed?


    Edit: 20 concrete floors would take 5 hours of nonstop planting big mommas to destroy, you telling me that's feasible? xd

  5. Oh shit didn't even think about the rapelling! 


    Migrating over from a server with strict building rules and very fast on the trigger if they found anything breaking the rules the slightest, so forive me for being cautious :7_sweat_smile:


    Btw how do i destroy the castle towers in extended base mod??

    • Like 1
  6. Hi,


    Thank you for the swift reply, was confused whether it was allowed or not to have flag inside objects.


    But regarding the floating room it was not if you can have your flag there. Lets say i build a floating room and put a couple of safes in there. Then i move the stairs to the side so nobody can go up there. And so i move the stairs back every time i need to enter myself. It would make the safes virtually impossible to raid, but is it against the rules or no?



  7. Hey!


    So far been having alot of fun on the server. But I have a few questions about base building rules and raiding as it's not 100% clear in the rules section.


    One rule says:

    • Your flag must be accessible at the bottom.


    Yet i have seen a couple of bases protecting their flags by placing concrete floors stacked on top of eachother. So the flag is not accessible without first destroying a couple of floors.


    Are you allowed to have no doors? So you can block off entrance with a concrete wall and just move it whenever you go in/out? 


    No rules on having ground access by stairs/floors. So can I build a saferoom in the air and only having a concrete stair that i move whenever i go in/out?


    Also first time playing on a server with the extended base mod. How do I destroy these objects? Like the Castle tower that seems to be very popular, what do you need to destroy it? Satchel charges or big mommas?


    Lastly i've been looking for any information on raiding times. How long is a safe/vg hack and what percentage to fail? How many batteries do you need to grind a lock and how long does it take?


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