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Posts posted by MrAndy

  1. The problem is most likely the 2 arch ways or whatever they are. They are slightly lower than the rest of the bridge, which may be why some are having issues. You can see the vehicle drop a tiny bit down then come up again when driving over them. Having too high speed here may cause you to fly across it and smash into the tiny lip on the other side and Arma thinks that's very bad. Might be the issue though I am not 100% sure. Something to look into regardless, shouldn't be too difficult to fix I don't think.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Mr. Soap said:


    Maybe its a honeymoon period. We'll see.


    It's probably a combination of that and the fact it is very good. People want to test out the new features, in some time it might go down a bit but I still do think it would be worth moving it over to Black Market. As well as perhaps increasing the price a bit more.

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  3. I feel currently the balance is too far in favor of launchers. Although I don't have any real statistics I'm pretty sure Marids, Panthers, Bobcats, and the likes are very very rare. Of course there is several reasons why someone would decide not to purchase those vehicles, though a large part of it is that launchers are on basically every player that has played more than an hour. This makes the quite substantial investment into these expensive vehicles only to have them be blown up 3 km down the road very unattractive. As with all issues of balance it'll have to be continually monitored and changed in small ways here and there to get it as close to the middle as possible where both vehicle combat and infantry combat can both be fun and viable, so that all players are happy. Or as happy as they can be, it'll never be perfect, though it can definitely be better.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sean said:

    I do agree that there are currently way too many. I would love to see more high end vehicles roaming about.


    Does the mass majority of launchers come from capture points?


    As far as I'm aware then yes, most people will probably go to CPs to get RPGs. They can often times drop such a ridiculous amount of RPGs that you don't even pick up all of them, and still have half the car filled to sell.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Hvar said:

    Yeah you know what. I was just salty cuz I like buying the PKP since the update xD I agree it should be put on black market. Price shouldnt be that high tho. It's pretty much a walmart Navid.


    Exactly. :10_wink: lol

  6. 2 hours ago, Hvar said:

    This gun has been the same for ages. Only difference Ive seen is the fact that you can now put a supressor on it. Is a silencer really all it takes for a weapon to become "OP"?


    They've added suppressor support as well as increased it's zero range. This together with the fact that it already has been very powerful would put it roughly in the same range as the Navid and SPMG. Perhaps a slight bit cheaper than the Navid and SPMG, but still in the Black Market, though it would obviously have to be looked into properly before any decision is made. I definitely think people have simply been using the SPMG or Navid because you can have suppressors on those where as the PKP you could not.

  7. I think removing a few rocket launchers, and potentially adding some more vanilla launchers like the PCML, and potentially the new ones coming with the Tank DLC (Hype), could be beneficial. Very rarely do you see any of the 'high-tier' vehicles and/or helicopters for that matter out because they just instantly get blown up so I'd probably say I'm with you on that one. Have to be very careful not to take it too far the other way though, as leaving only the big groups with high-tier vehicles and the little guys unable to obtain rocket launchers throws the balance too far towards the vehicle side of things again. I do think this is something we can potentially look into in the long run. It would take a long time however so we can make sure we get it right. It will be discussed.

  8. It's like this at the moment due to players using the inmate market to exploit their money into their bank even though it is full. A solution to this could be that instead of having the money automatically be put into your bank, you will have to go to the Inmate Market to claim the money you have made, which puts it on your person instead of in your bank. This makes it possible for players to always buy from the inmate market as well as making it impossible for people to exploit it to fill up their bank more than they are supposed to. It's a slight extra step to take for selling but it will solve the problems. I've seen this system before and it works fairly well, opinions on this though? :) And obviously I am not in-charge of any of this, it would ultimately be up to Sean whether he wants to implement such a system.

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  9. I believe if you have reached the 30m limit you would simply not be allowed to place objects down, not 100% sure though. An admin can measure the exact height of your base if you ask them to. :) If you are online right now and there aren't any other admins on, I could pop on and do it for you.

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  10. I think he means having a trader at Kamenka would make buying and using boats be more attractive. It's currently possible, but not particularly attractive and I personally agree with the thinking. Having a trader at Kamenka instead of a spawn town would be nice in my opinion. Though my opinion doesn't shape the server. :P It might be difficult changing due to bases, though easier than other suggestions due to the spawn zone this time. It'll be looked into if the team thinks it's a good and viable option.

  11. Sure you may get a few kills, but if it's kills you're after, a Strider HMG or the likes will be much more effective in getting kills. An attack helicopter in my opinion is better used as a threat/support vehicle. 

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  12. Basically stay away from missions where the AI have Static MG and armed vehicles. Helis and vehicles in general are very difficult to use against AI missions, they're better used against players. So for example Capture Points would probably be a better option over Missions. There's still AI, but they shouldn't have too powerful guns so if you stay a little distance away you should be able to survive for the most part. Helicopters I would say is only viable against players, so if only used against players it's just to fly like you normally would. Also a slight note to make is that the miniguns on most of the armed helis aren't always the most accurate, the GAU-19 however is pretty darn accurate. This combined with the fact for the Pawnee miniguns it usually takes more than 1 bullet to kill so they're not the best 'killing machines' though of course some make good use of them. They're more a threat factor and provide suppression, which is just as useful if used properly by your ground team. 

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