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About Slothy

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  1. I was wondering if it's possible to plant big momma's on the edges of floors (IE where the rebar pokes out) then maybe you could just blow 3 or 4 and crawl underneath?
  2. Thanks appreciate it. no need to say sorry as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't do whatever it is you guys do to keep this thing running!
  3. Firstly thanks for the clarification around base building. I just had a couple of questions around the floating safe room concept; 1. If you are able to rappel and blow the side wall of a floating room are you then able to access it from the side? If so how? 2. Is it possible to rappel from choppers? I was thinking if it isn't then it wouldn't be possible to access a floating safe room with no roof above it. I realise a counter argument to this that you could land on the roof of the safe room, but then if its covered in indestructible h-b
  4. FYI this issue is still occurring. I've had it happen quite a few times where I spawn in with no gear or weapon and just to add to it lose my bambi status instantly!
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