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Posts posted by Odysseus

  1. @Borja Sanchez - While I can not speak for the Owners/Admins of this server, I can share a common knowledge.


    Typically, when one loses items due to ARMA, there is no refund.  Also, what happened to you, by my thinking, was not even a bug.  It was on a hill and it slid down the hill...AS IT SHOULD DO.



    Tip:  If your items are on a hill, GET BELOW THEM, then try to retrieve them.  Your body may stop them OR you may be able to 'chase after it'.


    From 20 years of ARMA playing and 14k+ hours in ARMA 3 alone, this is not a bug and is how ARMA is to work.


    It definitely is not a bug on the server.





  2. @Arcas - I never said it was here.  There are several 'systems' that use a VG.  The two 'biggest' are ExAD's and the modified one the Exile devs put into Exile.


    ExAD's has a time limit (at one time), Exile's does not.  This does NOT mean that a custom script is not running ON THE SERVER to 'purge' data (cars) after 'x days'.  And if they did, you would NOT know this value.  They COULD have it set to 3000 days. 


    Without you having full access to the server AND knowing ARMA scripting, your answer AT BEST is a GUESS.  Also, no where in the rules does it mention anything about the VG - nothing.


    While it may be a correct GUESS, it STILL IS A GUESS.


    I never stated WHICH VG has a time limit nor did I state that this server has one.  The time limit in the VG is something that should have been included in the rules.  How would a new player know such?  An admin would have to be asked.




    I made ZERO ASSUMPTIONS about my statements.





  3. @Rubenzio - Park your cars in your 'special' space.  THEN use the virtual garage to store them.  Then when you need them, use the VG to restore them!


    The VG 'remembers' where vehicles are saved, so they will be recalled to that same 'saved spot'.




    Parking on ANY material besides 'dirt' can cause your vehicles to go bye-bye.


    Putting a vehicle ANYWHERE BUT IN THE VG,  and is NOT facing north, there is a very good chance that it will explode on restore/server restart - I have seen this HUNDREDS of times with server restarts.  When ARMA spawns in vehicle, they start off facing north.  If yours was parked facing east in a small room, when it is spawned in, it hits the walls while ARMA 'turns it' and it goes BOOM!


    There is a 'time limit' for vehicles 'just sitting on the ground' to be de-spawned.  There is ALSO a limit on vehicles in the VG.  Solution?  Take it out BEFORE THIS TIME LIMIT, get in it, exit and re-save.



    Problem solved.




  4. Something I would like to add.


    I know how people ASSUME things.  Did these three things ever occur to anyone:


    #1 - That English may not be their native language thus they cannot read the rules in part or completely?  A simple solution is to put a link to Google Translate for the rules on the front page.  You speak German?  BAM!  Here is a link that you can click that will take you AUTOMATICALLY to a translated version of the rules.  How ARROGANT for someone to DEMAND that everyone else be 'experts in their language'.


    #2 - That these 'double safe zone' rules are NOT common on most Exile servers.  So, since they can not read English, and they play on 'regular' Exile servers, THEY ASSUMED that they could do this.


    #3 - You did not provide ANY evidence that they may have been responding to SOME OTHER ATTACK UPON THEM!  I personally have seen this happen.  'A' THINKS they are getting attacked by 'B', yet it is really 'C' who is attacking.



    Bottom line is this:


    *  Do NOT assume things about people!


    *  They should have read AND followed the rules even if they were not in their own language.  Maybe they did, see #3 above.


    *  Since no one is a mind reader, quit thinking someone 'did this or did that' for YOUR reason.  How selfish!  Try this, ASK THEM BEFORE JUDGING!




    In all reality, they probably refused to read the rules and attacked because they could.  NONE OF US KNOW THIS THOUGH!  I, also, AM ASSUMING THIS.



    Would YOU like to be convicted just because someone THOUGHT you did something?  NO!  These people are no different.


    Be fair and 'Treat others as you wish to be treated'.





  5. Hello @RobertWoW,


    I know this is a pain.  Here is a solution that I 'created' years ago that works the majority of the time.


    First, let me explain what is going on:


    When you join any ARMA server that uses the 'Signature Check', which almost all do, your machine will compare your mods against the server's via the 'key' file.  If your HDD is fragmented, slow internet connection/issues, low RAM, or a slow PC, the check will 'time out'.  Example:  When it your PC checks the 'CUP' mod, ARMA is saying you have 5 seconds to do this.  If your PC does in that time or less, all is OK.  BUT, if it is longer than 5 seconds, it 'times out', and you get that message.



    So, how does one address this?


    #1 - If you have a TRADITIONAL HDD, NOT a SSD, defrag it!  You should NEVER defrag a RAM HDD (SSD)!  The BEST way to defrag this is to boot your PC to a USB memory stick and then defrag.  Not doing this will not do a 'complete' defrag as you have files in use/open and all defrag programs will ignore them.  If you have ARMA on a 2nd/3rd/etc. HDD, then you can just defrag from there.  Though it still might be an issue due to files in use.  Thus, a USB boot is the BEST way to do this.


    One that I use is called:  "Gandalf's Win10PEx64".  It comes with a defrag program on it.

    See:  https://www.fcportables.com/gandalf-boot-iso/

    Google Search:  HERE




    #2 - After #1 is done, join a server.  #1 might have fixed the issues.  BUT, if not then do this silly trick:


    Once you have 'boots on the ground', RIGHT AWAY, open your map and zoom in as close as you can.  This 'trick' causes ARMA to run as fast as possible.  There is no 'environment' being drawn, no icons on the map, and other things.  Sit in the map screen zoomed in as close as you can, wait for about 3 - 5 minutes DOING NOTHING - Hands off the PC!  Then resume normal play.  You also can 'tell' when the 'wait' is over by watching your HDD activity light.  




    #3 - This is also a known issue with people having 4gb or less RAM.  As an example, I had 8gb and one stick went bad, so I had to remove it, giving me 4gb.  IMMEDIATELY after that, I got the same error.  After I replaced the RAM, the problem went away!  And I did NOTHING to my system to cause it/fix it.


    >4gb = ARMA loads and processes the files in RAM - No issues 99% of the time.


    <=4gb = ARMA processes the files from you HDD (thus the 'speed' issues and 'time-outs').





    People and myself have been using this technique for years now and it DOES work.  Does it work for everybody?  No.  But for at least 70% of people, it does.




    Best solution?  Increase RAM to > 4gb and defrag your HDD's.




    Good luck!




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