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Posts posted by Paperkat

  1. Go anywhere near the edge of the map on the north and you'll see it does the same exact thing as on Isla. I know getting rid of Low settings would help, but as I said, it would alienate those with shitty PC's (Hi Bwana!) and would not make the miracle fix I think you guys are looking for. I think if more people/groups asked for it, might be worth more consideration.

  2. Forced graphics settings alienates those with bad computers. I think it's just something people need to deal with (the mountains disappearing that is). If you've played on a3 panthera it was an issue there too, and we all just learned to live with it.

  3. Hello! 


    I was looking at some new additions to SG mod, after talking with some of the admins in the past. I think we could use some new scopes/weapons since KA was removed, and I suggest either 


    I know that the second one is only made in 2015, but it should work fine because we use mods older than this (NiArms has modules that we use from 2014). The liscense it uses states that 
    You let others copy, distribute, display, perform, and (unless you have chosen NoDerivatives) modify and use your work for any purpose other than commercially unless they get your permission first.  This means that we could use it as long as we are not selling services using the mod for money.


    Thanks for taking a look and considering my suggestion!




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