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STGRTF last won the day on September 17 2017

STGRTF had the most liked content!

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  • Rank
    Rookie User

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  1. No worries mate, we been unable to get on to the server, at best one or two of us could get on so we just had to let the territory drop.
  2. Hows life in Chernarus these days? missing the server, wondering how ya'll are doin
  3. Im kinda new to Exile, played a crap ton of ARMA 2 mod, a few frwends convinced me to return to the game, assuring me that i would love exile, turns out they were correct.. we spent a good 2 days looking for a server, then we found this SG server, i have never seen a server grow so rapidly as this has in the last week. yeah, im struggling to get a slot at times, but that just means you guys are doing things right. well done guys STG
  4. off topic but i love that avatar conzole.
  5. Just wanted to say hi, loving the server, scripted real well and everything.
  6. I keep getting the message "kicked by admin for reserved slot" when trying to join right now, have been on the server since around midday and logged for 20 mins to get some food, while i appreciate that it is probably the generic message sent when trying to join the server as its full, it does look like you are actually getting kicked for reserved slots. Sorry, battleeye message, not server message
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