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Posts posted by Urd3d

  1. Damn you guys are rude. But it's funny and I like it. 

    I also do not like the meta, and my whole gameplay is focused on countering it. 

    TTK (time to kill) is 0 seconds, with bodyshots on most meta weapons (Close range navid, APDS snipers, some ugly modded guns). 
    It turns exile into an ambush waiting game, so the target has no retaliation option. If you have at least 100 IQ, patience and a Navid you can kill anyone.

    So stealth and power are the name of the game. 
    This always makes me laugh when I compare Exile to Planetside 2 for instance... (Guess which one maintains and renews its population the best though.) 

    In Planetside 2 you can OSK with snipers, but you have to hit the head, it rewards accuracy and muscle memory... not just being able to pull out range finders and click 10 times with bipod with a slight pixel difference. 

    Arma 3 and the mods offer a HUGE pannel of ARs, scout rifles, special purpose ammo, it makes the game vastly superior to any other game. But it's always bottlenecked because of the meta. 
    MMGs for instance are powerful but heavy but require a small crew to operate because of ammo weight, size, stamina. Exile fucks all these parameters up the ass savagely without kissing it on the forehead first :
    _ Huge backpacks (which is nice as a survival game don't get me wrong).
    _ No stamina

    _ Close to no exhausted status sway 
    _ No grass, there fore bipodanywhere even when you're rendered inside the ground.

    To the point we're not even playing Arma 3 anymore. We're gods playing hide and seek. We could at least offer Arma 3 a smoke once we log out. 

    Now don't get me wrong, stamina sucks balls, DayZ standalone suffers from it right now. It's the no penalty in using close to 0sec TTK weapons that creates a rigid/ambush swamp meta. 

    If a weapon OSKs, remove sprint from it. 


    What's the point modding the game beyond launcher + Navid + KSVK anyway? 
    Who used an MX this year? 

  2. Go full mad max : 180km/h sport hatchback in the woods shooting positions from windows, road kills and death race or no balls. 
    No armored vehicles, no AT launchers, only squishy cars with infantry firing positions. 

    • Haha 1
  3. Improving food and water consumption through perks might reduce the amount of people flying/running/driving back to safezones to refill (Reducing PVP around these). This would mostly be a quality of life improvement.
    Fuel consumption on vehicles however could lead to various abuses (unlimited UAVs, choppers, etc.) The 100L Barrel does a good job anyway. It would make fuel station ambushes less successful overall, and I agree it might be a bad idea. 

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