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Posts posted by Deathgrasp

  1. this would actually be a good truck to combat bases thate have Vics on the roof, would make them feel less safe and make it 250k so its a worthy investment if you want to. i personalyl think it would add a different element.


    If not the backpack Mortar would actually be awesome, also another great option to combat Roof Vics

  2. the only real way to fix this, or make both sides happy. is if the truck is on a roof, cant VG it, will make groups make bases that they can drive up sure but its the only thing i can think of, GMG Jackal shooting from base in Arma 2 was on any groups base that " had it all" The guy above me killed me with his GMG Tower shit base and we fought for weeks, eventually became friends and that was about 7 years ago maybe ?


    Its just something thats frustrating, sure but there is ways to counter it, if it bothers you that much, find the base and camp it, i guarentee you if you keep annoying them on the roofs, they will stop doing it cause the risk isnt worth the effort anymore.

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