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Posts posted by badsha365

  1. Report from the National Institute of Statistics . And all this, despite the existence of security services, which include qualified lifeguards with their titles in first aid and aquatic rescue. According to information published by the Mapfre.Foundation as a result of the study, these deaths could be avoided if the rescuers arrived a few seconds before the victim. But of course, we are human and our bodies sometimes Industry Email List cannot give more than themselves.

    You have to figure out how do you get water? that power is out. Then you realize you have to go to work and buses are crowded.  that there was only one company in 2011 in Pakistan, that was worth more than a billion dollars, outside of the state oil and the state gas company. low this to happen. She got x-ray companies, commercial entures to donate these machines. And she spent the Special Database war literally driving up and down the front lines herself and she didn't know how to drive. So she taught herself how to drive. She got a driver's license. She spent the war driving up and down the front lines in these x-ray units. 



    My work streams was, And then Magnus came and said, I want to build something big and meaningful. I was like, I just came from this assignment, and I was a bit surprised that there aren’t that many big companies in our part of the world. And then we said, why is it not happening? And we realized that there’s no shortage of potential. There are people from this part of the world that go other parts of the world that build incredible businesses and do incredibly well. But for some reason, things don’t happen for that same potential in this region. And what you realize very quickly is there’s a lot of friction in daily life. I woke up in Pakistan when I was young. Sometimes there’s no water to take a bath or a shower, right

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