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Posts posted by Dark

  1. Base for sale ROG castle Cherno map. Great location, 2 towers and shit loads of building supplies already planted.

    Selling price, 1 million pop tabs. U keep the buildings and safe contents + Cement mixer and gas station.

    We can attracts admins for their help to make sure no funny business.

    You may come over to scout the real estate but your safety is not guaranteed.


  2. Dear all, we have defibs on sale and everyone knows how to use them.

    I propose making respawn upon death RANDOM instead of rushing back to ur body from the nearest point over and over in what creates a stupid zerg like pvp. If you have a friend, you can get revived by him when he expertly kills the enemy, (makes the defibs more  important)!


    Its so stupid when we have bambies doing a zerg or big groups pretty much having an infinate control over the area cuz while u search for others, the first dead guys comes back! Its a lose lose. Instead, if he knws tht he will spawn across the map or somewhere far off, they wont be so eager to hit the respawn button. This gives players a chance in fighting a bigger clan, gives pleayers a chance to loot their victim and makes things more dangerous and realistic.  As you know, respawn in real life takes forever ?


    I propose making the respawn after death random like in vanilla DayZ except for maybe base spawns but those are on cool down anyway so its cool.


    Man up, dont be COD bitches and make the vote to make this game EVEN MORE AWESOME!


    Plus, if u wanna come back fast, buy a plane and fly over, it will make people spend more money cuz I see bases who are just too damn rich cuz they have the numbers!


  3. I agree, the kill distance is annoying as hell specially when its 1 vs many. Moreover, since everyone keeps running back to their dead body, it is easier for them to search for the shooter based on the distance as they literally can come from behind now. I would go a step further and make the spawning completely random so u dont have waves of zergling coming back for their loot. U die, ure fucked, get spawned on the other end of the map just how it used to be. I wanna make a pole for it.

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