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Posts posted by Torroc

  1. Ok... so not sure how this works, But i just watched a guy. eject out of his hummingbird. skydive at a guy... shoot him with a rocket launcher AS he is skydiving then pop his shoot as he it about to hit the ground not killing himself in the procress... Now... I have had this happen to me one already on his server and as far as i can tell... this is a kamikaze type attack... sure he isnt using his heli to ram it in to the ground but the vary practice of useing the heli to make you in to a missile and shooting as you are skydiving is alittle bull shit. Sadly i do not have Video of this, but all i have is the name of the guy and who he killed.

  2. On 5/7/2021 at 6:05 PM, EliteNoob said:

    It takes a lot of time to set up the events,server sometimes poops itself when events happen
    Plus sometimes people just don't really care to show up for them,or find the events as an opportunity to raid while most of the server is at them.

    This is just about any game that you can raid in.


  3. With the parie fire dlc, and the mobilization dlc out, there is some interesting equipment in both dlc's with could be fun to see, as an example the Bpz, m11a3's, SpPZ's, spw's, TPz's, and other light armored and unarmored vehicles would be neat to see. As far as things like the bmp1, ptz 74, and Spz 1a, i do not know how they would work in the dynamic of exile, But it would be interesting to see other   I do not have the SOG yet, but im sure there are people who would love to see content from SOG included be it foot equipment or Vehicles


  4. With the parie fire dlc, and the mobilization dlc out, there is some interesting equipment in both dlc's with could be fun to see, as an example the Bpz, m11a3's, SpPZ's, spw's, TPz's, and other light armored and unarmored vehicles would be neat to see. As far as things like the bmp1, ptz 74, and Spz 1a, i do not know how they would work in the dynamic of exile, But it would be interesting to see other   I do not have the SOG yet, but im sure there are people who would love to see content from SOG included be it foot equipment or Vehicles


  5. Question on the concrete cube,

    I just got done building it, and it dosnt seem to allow me to place it, it only allows me to to use it to build the smaller watch tower. is there a way to allow it to be used as a foundation, it would help to lower the number of parts i have to use on my base

  6. Ok so i just got done watching this happen, im taking alpha Cp it is taken by me. Then some smuck with a tank rolls up, guns down every since last AI at the mission sight then turns his gun at me. Ok don't get me wrong but when players can use armor to wax an entire mission sight via aircraft or a tank and the npc's stand there with their thumbs up their asses like nothing is happening there is a problem. Then turn the main gun on the player who is capping because all they have to do is wait for the cp to vanish is bullshit.  If ANY of the npc's had AT on them that player could not have whiped that mission but more or less rolling over them at point blank range, This gose for AA as well... i dont know how many times i have been doing a mission and have gotten strafed while im picking the AI off. I know these options are in game for players to beable to use, But being able to afford it with every kit after your death just adds up to much. I have been doing my best to avoid anyone with armor but what i sat just now was bs.


    Sorry seems i put this in the wrong tab.

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