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Posts posted by Jimbo

  1. I was just curious as to the wider servers and of course the admins view on armed vehicles, a lot of servers have them but for me they really have the potential to ruin the game. They take skill out of the game and stop people needing to get out of their vehicle.


    Or has the server considered making it so they cant be bought but can be looted from missions, it stops having 4 armed vehicles spawn camping the starting zones which has certainly been a really popular concept the past couple of days. 


    Finally, adjusting the amount of ammo they have could also provide a bit of balance, its not a moan more an observation that for me personally, they ruin the game and take the skill factor out of it, and yes you can use an ATT but there considerably harder to land especially when there are like I said 3+ camping a player spawn point. 

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